The ReproducibiliTea Steering Community is expanding and changing yet again to make sure that we keep the early career researcher (ECR) perspective to building open science communities as well as allowing for more diverse perspectives. This year, we are welcoming two new committee members who will bring fresh impulses to our work while saying thank you and goodbye to our fantastic former committee chair Jan Vornhagen.

So without further ado,

Please join us in welcoming our new committee members:


Michael is a researcher at Makerere University, Center for Health and Population Research, Uganda. He has experience starting and organizing ReproducibiliTea in Makerere University, Uganda. Michael is keen to promote research reproducibility, particularly within the realm of healthcare policy.

Lianne Wolsink

Lianne is a PhD student at the Department of Cognitive Psychology at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. She is originally from the Netherlands, where she studied Psychology and Neuroscience in Nijmegen and Maastricht. Lianne started and co-organises the ReproducibiliTea in Bochum.

And, our new committee chair:

Sophia Crüwell

Sophia is a PhD student in Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge, working on conceptual issues surrounding the replication crisis; she has also worked on empirical metaresearch projects. Sophia started the original ReproducibiliTea journal club at Oxford (with Sam Parsons & Amy Orben), as well as those at Amsterdam (with Angelika Stefan & Florian Wanders), and Berlin (with Corinna Hartling).

And, give a warm ‘welcome back’ to our returning members:

Helena Gellersen

Helena received her PhD in psychology from the University of Cambridge where she was also a co-organiser of the ReproducibiliTea journal club. She is now a postdoc at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases. She is also a Research Fellow-elect at St John’s College Cambridge.

Matt Jaquiery @MJaquiery

Matt is a Research Software Engineer at the University of Oxford. He completed a DPhil in Experimental Psychology in January 2023. Matt manged the Oxford Experimental Psychology ReproducibiliTea while a DPhil student there, and has contributed to various open science projects with the UKRN, FORRT, and other organisations. He does a bunch of the technical stuff for the core ReproducibiliTea organisation.

Paulina Manduch (on LinkedIn)

Paulina is a psychology student at the SWPS University in Warsaw, Poland, working on her master’s thesis on creativity and memory. Paulina is the chair of the Open Science Society at her university and she co-organises online ReproducibiliTea meetings in the Polish language.

William Ngiam

William is currently a postdoc in the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago, where he started and co-organizes the ReproducibiliTea journal club! He will soon be a Lecturer at the University of Adelaide, where he hopes to help early-career researchers from community with a new ReproducibiliTea journal club.

Plans for 2024

We have a lot of exciting projects and we are always looking for ideas. If you want to get involved, have a cool idea you think we could tackle, or have some critique for us, please get in touch.